Editing video feedback/learner response
1) Type up your feedback/comments from your teacher. WWW: very good P.O.V shot and editing/dissolves very good cinematography (over the shoulder shot) very good use of angles and location chosen very good use of shot/reverse shot - well framed good use of camera movement - tilt/pans very good use of match on action - shown several times EBI: sound quality needs improvement - use external mic lighting within the classroom needs improvement composition of characters needs improvement - more of the speaker within the frame 2) Type up your feedback from fellow students. None. 3) Now reflect on your video. Did you meet the brief and successfully include the three key editing aspects we have learned? Yes, I believe I've met the brief because I stuck to the 180 degree rule when we were speaking, had good match-on-action when I walked through doors and walking up the stairs and made good use of the shot/reverse shot when me and Aran were speaking. 4) What were t...