Editing: blog task
Cinematography In the beginning of this action scene, the camera starts with a close up of the antagonist to show the anger and hatred he has towards John McLane - the protagonist trying to rescue his daughter from the villain. The camera then focuses on the jet progressing from a extreme long shot to a close up to reflect the fast paced movement with the scene. The camera then goes to a close up of the pilot his concentration on the task at hand. The low angled P.O.V shot of the rocket being shot at the truck allows the audience to see what the pilot would see from that high in the air which adds a sense of realism. The P.O.V shot of the targeting system also adds a sense of realism as it makes the audience feel as if they are the ones in control of the situation. The close up of the protagonists face expressions showed confusion as to why he was being targeted by another military soldier who are meant to be fighting for the sane cause. The close up of the pilot pressing the...