
Create a Mise-en-scene blogpost planning everything that will appear in front of the camera in your two-minute film trailer. 

Remember CLAMPS: Costume, Lighting, Actors (cast, placement and movement), Make-up, Props, Setting.

What will your characters wear? What is the costume supposed to communicate to the audience? How does this link to your Statement of Intent in terms of creating representations?

Throughout my production, i aim to use traditional attire that is associated with my genre e.g. Hoodies, tracksuits, trainers, mayne some jewellery. In simple terms, the characters will be wearing informal clothing to set a tone for the production. I also aim to use typical football gear like training tracksuits, football boots, etc to show my characters passion to do better and stay away from troubled teens. This links to my statement of intent as i aim to show the audience how my character uses football as a way to escape from the negative stereotypes linked to youth that live in council estates which is also known as 'The Hood'. The in

How will you light your trailer? Day or night? Interior or exterior? If outside, can you use streetlights, shadows, reflected sunlight or other creative techniques to achieve the lighting style you want? If inside, experiment with creative lighting techniques using windows, blinds, artificial lights, phone flashes and more.

I aim to use a lot of natural lighting due to most of the production being set during the day time. I aim to use more exterior shots like the estate, the football pitch and surrounding area to generate establishing shots for the audience. The interior shots i plan on using will mainly be for close-ups and focusing on specific elements. However, if i do shoot outside, i can use street lights and flood lights at the football pitch to achieve more top down lighting. 

The first thing you need to plan is your cast - who will be in your production and which characters will they play? Try and cast people who are reasonably similar to the character they are playing (both in age and personality). Next, plan their placement and movement in key scenes in your trailer. Do you want them to appear trapped in a claustrophobic close-up? Or isolated as a tiny person in a wide shot?

I plan on using the following people as they match the age that i am trying to target and have the correct characteristics traits to pull of their roles.

The main cast will consist of:

Me - protagonist 
Aranjit - close friend 
Deandre - villain 1
Ricardo villain 2 

Plan any make-up you require - this could be particularly important for horror trailers.

I plan on using all natural make-up. I would have used make up like blood and make-up to show bruising but within the watershed, your not allowed to show any distressing imagery within the trailer. 

What props will you require? Remember, you can't use anything that might resemble a weapon in a public or school location (this is VERY important). Well-planned props can help to communicate genre and character quickly - vital in a short trailer.

The props i will require are: 

- Football cones
- Brick phones
- Footballs
- a car

This should already be largely planned using your script. However, now is the time to specify exact locations - if a classroom, which one? How will you arrange it with the teacher? When will you film there? For external locations, try and take pictures of settings or use Google Maps and Google Earth. Spending quality time planning your locations can make a huge difference to the professionalism of your film.

I want to recreate a drama that both reinforces and subverts traditional black stereotypes. within the media black youth are labelled as criminals, lairs and a nuisance to society but never seems to promote those who aim to break away from the cliché stigma given to young black youth. i plan to use 3 locations within my production. One being a place where the youth can interact in a safe environment e.g. Football pitch. Two being an area where the youth are being a nuisance to society which could be shown through the use of colloquial language. Lastly, the third one being the middle ground for good and bad (binary opposition - Levi Straus) not by choice, but by circumstance e.g. Council estate. In order to make full use of these locations, i intend to use use Props character theory to assign roles to individuals within my production and Todorov's theory of equilibrium to create narrative for the audience. The roles that will be allocated are: the coach (helper), the opposing gang members who try to start on the protagonist (villains) and i aim to make the protagonists (the princess) as he's the one trying to not get caught up in the situations revolving his area - which is why he's the one that needs saving. At the beginning, the equilibrium of the story would be that the protagonists is joking about and having fun with his friends so the audience can identify with him and hopefully attracted to his persona. Then the disequilibrium would be that the villains try to scare the protagonists. As the trailer is only meant to be a short condensed glimpse of the film, i plan on leaving the trailer on a cliffhanger to generate enigma codes that can help entice the audience so they want to watch the whole film and see what's the full narrative behind the plot - a typical conversation within movie trailers.

- section of my statement of intent


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